At a time when the phenomenon of globalisation is unstoppable, when companies not only import and export but also produce, store and distribute products in different countries, the issues inherent to distribution and logistics will undoubtedly become increasingly acute in the immediate future. These observations highlight the importance of specialising in increasingly complex logistical issues and national and international trade, which only higher education can fully address.
ESCE Valença is therefore responsive to the needs of the region in which it is located, while mindful of national and cross-border needs, given its prime location in the centre of the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion. ESCE Valença has adapted the syllabus of its Bachelor’s Degree Course in Logistics and Retailing Management to the Bologna Process, which, in keeping with the criteria and aims of Polytechnic Higher Education, incorporates numerous subjects. Organisation, Strategy and Marketing, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Law and New Information Technologies all play a general role in the first few years of the programme, with specialisation in the area of Logistics as the student progresses through the course.
Course comisssion
Entrance Exams:
One of the Following Examinations:
[04] Economics or
[16] Mathematics or
(18) Portuguese
Preferred Regions: Braga, Porto, Viana do Castelo
Vacancies: 25
Special Admissions
– Portuguese Diplomatic Mission Abroad
– Portuguese Grant Holders Abroad or Civil Servants on an Official Mission Abroad
– Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces
– PALOP grant holders
– Accredited Foreign Diplomatic Mission in Portugal
– High Performance Sports Practitioners
– East-Timor Citizens
Special Entry Routes
Re-entry, Change of Combination/Institution/Course
To equip students with the management skills for distribution and logistics processes.
Graduate profile
The aim of this degree is to produce qualified professionals with skills suited to the current and future needs of the market, capable of contributing to the revitalisation of the current business fabric of the region and the country, with logistics as a factor in competitiveness and a way to integrate various other activities.
Professional outcomes
Study Plan
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Calculus | MAT | S1 | TP:64.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Informatics | EIM | S1 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Accounting Principles | EFC | S1 | TP:64.00 | 5.50 | Consult |
Business Organization | OLM | S1 | TP:48.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Technical English I | ADH | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Fundamentals of Logistics | OLM | S1 | TP:56.00 | 5.50 | Consult |
Technical English II | ADH | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Economy | EFC | S2 | TP:48.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Applications and Information Management Systems | EIM | S2 | TP:64.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Quantitative Methods | MAT | S2 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Storage Management and Administration | OLM | S2 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Supply Systems | OLM | S2 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Marketing | OLM | S1 | TP:48.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Financial Mangement and Investment Analysis | EFC | S1 | TP:64.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Human Resource Management | CPS | S1 | TP:48.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Linear Algebra | MAT | S1 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Operations Management | OLM | S1 | TP:48.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Database Management Systems | EIM | S1 | TP:56.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Analysis and Cost Control | EFC | S2 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Operational Research | MAT | S2 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Transportation Systems Management | OLM | S2 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Project Management | OLM | S2 | TP:48.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Systems and Computer Applications | EIM | S2 | TP:56.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Business and Transportation Law | CPS | S2 | TP:48.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Production Control and Mangement | OLM | S1 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Advanced Operations Research | MAT | S1 | TP:56.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Supply Chain Management | OLM | S1 | TP:64.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Logistics and International Operations | OLM | S1 | TP:48.00 | 5.50 | Consult |
Interpersonal Relationship, Leadership, Negotiation | CPS | S1 | TP:48.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Quality Management Systems | OLM | S1 | TP:48.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Ethics and Social Responsability | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Entrepreneurship | OLM | S2 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Final Project on Logistics Systems | OLM | S2 | TP:256.00 | 23.00 | Consult |
Please see information at
Partnerships and internships
A Teia Comercial – Comércio por grosso e a retalho de artigos de artesanato e afins, Lda. |
AC Concept, S.A. |
Águia de Penafiel – Consultores Lda. |
AJLM-Contabilidade e Consultoria, Lda. |
Alma Mater, Publicidade e Multimédia, Lda |
ARCA Unipessoal, Lda. |
Armando Marques Rodrigues Unipessoal Lda. |
Aval Soluções Mediação de Seguros, LDA. |
Bem Seguro |
BITMAR – Consultoria e Formação Informática, Lda. |
BorgWarner Emissions Systems Portugal |
Brunswick Marine – Emea Operations, Lda. |
BSHP Electrodomésticos, Lda. |
Cálculo XXI – Soluções de Contabilidade, Auditoria e Gestão Lda. |
Cálculos Relevantes, Lda. |
Caldas & Pires, Contabilidade, Gestão e Assessoria, Lda. |
Carlos Ribeiro Contabilidade e Serviços, Lda. |
Carlos Teixeira, Noé Gomes & Associado, SROC, Lda. |
Cascata de Números Consultores |
Centro de Estudos O Sábio de Lago |
CJF Export, Lda |
Clara Puga & Américo Cruz, Lda. |
Clientissimo Mediação Seguros Unipessoal, LDA. |
COCA Hipermercados, Lda. |
COINDU, Lda. |
Confiage – Contabilidade Financeira Analítica, Lda. |
Consultoria Financeira e Contabilidade, Lda. |
Contrato Local de Desenvolvimento Social Mais Caminha |
Cooplecnorte – Aquisição de Bens e Serviços, CRL |
Costa & Sá, Lda. |
Cota Cruz & Janela Lda. |
Crédito Agricola |
Dalphimetal Portugal, SA |
Diassociays – Consultoria, Desenvolvimento Social, Recursos Humanos e Formação Profissional |
Dvl-Serviços, Unipessoal, Lda. |
Exito-Alegre, Lda. |
Ezpeleta Portugal Móveis de Jardim, Lda. |
F. Gomez – Distribuiçao S.A. |
F. Rebelo Gestão de Empresas, Lda. |
F3M Information Systems S.A. |
Fábrica de Pão de Ló de Margaride, Lda. |
Feet, Lda. |
FERNANDES & Pimenta II Lda. |
FINIDIAS – Consultoria Financeira e Contabilidade, Lda. |
Fortunato O. Frederico & CA., Lda. (FLY LONDON) |
Frederico d’Orey – Consultor de Marketing Unipessoal, Lda. |
Fundilusa – Fundições Portuguesas Lda. |
GAPEVAL – Gabinete de Apoio a Empresas, Lda. |
Gestamp Cerveira, Lda. |
Grupo Antolin Lusitania, SA |
IdeiaCinco Multimédia, Unipessoal, Lda. |
ILHAPOR – linhas de Transmissão e Proporção, Lda. |
Impormúsica Instrumentos Musicais, Lda. |
Interbrand (Becycle – Branding, Media e Digital, Lda.) |
João Pires – Internacional Transportes, Lda. |
Jocilma-Industria de Móveis.S.A. |
JPA Portugal – Consultores, S.A. |
Lacoancora |
Lameguiper-Sociedade de Distribuição, S.A. |
LFM Corporate |
Liconfe – Linhas Industriais S.A. |
MAR IBÉRICA – Sociedade de Produtos Alimentares S.A. |
MARSO- Gabinete Técnico de Administração, SA |
MundiServiços-Companhia Portuguesa de Serviços e Gestão, Lda. |
Octávio & Giestal, Lda. |
Omdesign – Comunicação e Marketing, Lda. |
Oryzon Energias, S.A. |
PAFT- Pacheco, Amaral, Freitas & Teixeira, SROC, Lda. |
Pagromil, Lda. |
Palcos da Realidade – Computação Gráfica Lda. |
Perfumaria Liana, Unipessoal, Lda. |
PHC – Software, SA |
Plastivalença – Industria de Plásticos, Lda. |
Ponte Urbana, Lda. |
PRALISA – Produtos Alimentares e Pescas SA |
Printshop Artes Gráficas Lda. |
Projeto Couracção, Contrato Local de Desenvolvimento Social Mais |
PROTIC – Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, Unip., Lda. |
Recuperadores Pachinha, Lda. |
Rueskt – Ambiente, Lda. |
Sage Portugal-Software S.A. |
SANITOP – Material Sanitário, Lda. |
Santos & Santos, S.A. |
Sarreliber – Transformação de Plásticos e Metais, SA |
Sempre Versatil, Lda. |
Sítios & Formas – Projecto e Consultoria, Lda. |
Sociedade Artistica, M.Q.M., Lda. |
Soluções Alvo Mediação de Seguros, Lda. |
Supermercado Carla |
TACOMINHO – Reparações de Tacógrafos, Unipessoal, Lda. |
Tecnibite – Informática, S.A. |
TMC – Transportes Mário Cardadeiro, SA |
TOMENOTA II – Gestão Empresarial, Lda. |
Transportes Unidos, Lda. |
Valorminho – Valorizaçãp e Tratamento de Residuos Sólidos, Lda. |
Vestidos de Sonho – Natalia Maria Mil-Homens Pereira |
Viadpuk Lda. |
Vida Económica Editorial, SA |
Vidrotorre – Indústria Transformadora de Vidro Plano, Lda. |
VSC2P – Comunicação e Imagem, S.A. (TerraDesign) |
Webrand – Agência de Publicidade, Lda. |
Other information
(Português) N/A
Funded Projects
As a member of an extended partnership of polytechnics that are part of Demola-Portugal, IPVC is committed to developing co-creation projects between higher education and companies geared towards innovation and the challenges of the future. Demola-Portugal is being developed as part of an international platform – Demola Global – which was initially established in Tampere, Finland and now operates in several other countries around the world.
The Demola project aims to establish a new way of connecting higher education institutions to society and the economy. Companies/organisations interested in innovation pose problems and challenge higher education students to create solutions. One of the most innovative aspects of the Demola methodology is that it involves students, teacher-facilitators and business professionals working together to solve real challenges, producing value (with and for) the local community.
This project involves two applications:
POCH – Training facilitators (teachers) – 14 polytechnics (+ Setúbal)
COMPETE – Project LinkMeUp 1000 ideas – Promoting Entrepreneurship under the programme – Support System for the co-creation of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, SIAC, Compete.
The project LinkMeUp 1000 ideas has two main areas of activity:
– The process of co-creating innovation (Demola)
– The creation of an ideas competition (Poliempreende)
Project Sanitop360º– Integration of information flows and forecasting models for inbound and outbound volumes – funded by the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation, supported by the European Commission. FEDER, Project – 45549 – Sanitop – MATERIAL SANITARIO LDA, under 06/SI/2019 – SI QPME (Incentive System for the Qualification and Internationalisation of SMEs) (Funding: €26,000) May 2021 to May 2022.
Project funded by PORTUGAL 2020 / Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation. Ref: POCI-02-0853-FEDER-041192.
Pedagogical Project
The GDL programme, like all ESCE degrees, is also involved in the pedagogical project: Integrated Project
The Integrated Project – Leaders for the Future is a project that is an integral and compulsory part of the training given in some course units (CU) of the Bachelor’s Degree in Distribution and Logistics Management, whose main pedagogical objectives to be achieved are:
With this project, students will also develop work methodologies similar to those used in the workplace and, if the project is successful, they will be able to help promote and enhance Alto Minho and the region’s economic development.
Research Projects
Academic year 2021/2022:
Technological Innovation Projects
Academic year 2021/2022:
Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.
“A licenciatura deu-me a oportunidade de conhecer novos métodos de trabalho e ter outra visão sobre algumas matérias que, até então, era de origem desconhecida (financeiras e contabilísticas). GDL é uma licenciatura muito abrangente na ótica de todas as necessidades empresariais, da gestão administrativa, passando pelo marketing, contabilidade, finanças e projeto. Igualmente importantes as cadeiras de desenvolvimento pessoal e técnicas de informática. A licenciatura que realizei de GDL foi o motor impulsionador para muitos outros projetos e eventos que já realizei e continuarei a realizar em prol do desenvolvimento da logística e das operações neste mercado tão exigente e competitivo em que vivemos.”
Accreditation and Registration:
Accreditation in 2020, for six years | Vacancy Limit: 35
Initial Registration: R/A-Ef 3332/2011 of 18/03/2011
Amendment Registration:
R/A-Ef 3332/2011/AL01 of 27/07/2016
More information from the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education-A3ES:
General Information
180 ECTS | 6 Semesters | CNAEF 345 Management and Administration | Code: 8464
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree