Início / Estudar / Estudantes IPVC / Representação da Comunidade Estudantil nos Órgãos da Instituição
Student Representation in the Institutional Bodies
Higher Education Institutions shall ensure student participation in the governance of the Institution. Student representation relates to the following Bodies:
IPVC General Council
The student representatives of the General Council are elected by the IPVC student body through the proportional representation system, as provided by the IPVC Statutes.
Students must represent at least 15% of the general council’s total membership, and the term of office is two years.
More information about the General Council can be found in the General Council’s regulations.
Pedagogical Council
Students are also part of the Pedagogical Council of the school they attend.
The Pedagogical Council is formed by an equal number of representatives of the school’s teaching staff and students, who are elected under the terms set forth in the statutes and in the regulations of the Pedagogical Council.
Information about the Pedagogical Council’s constitution and regulations can be found on each school’s website.