For displaced students, Social Action Services offer plenty of housing options in dormitories. It is one of the higher education institutions in Portugal with the highest number of beds for students.
In these dormitories, students can find a set of amenities that ensure comfort and well-being in the use of these facilities, as well as the necessary conditions for students to concentrate on their studies and thereby contribute favorably to their academic success.
IPVC Dormitories
Academic Center – 196 beds
School of Agriculture (ESA) Dormitory – 134 beds
School of Education (ESE) Dormitory – 119 beds
School of Sport and Leisure (ESDL) Dormitory – 30 beds – Pousada da Juventude managed by Movijovem, according to protocol in effect
Erasmus Dormitory – 60 beds – Housing managed by CSPSMM
Dormitories with:
Central Heating
Dinettes to prepare light meals
Weekly linen and towel services
Living rooms
Self-service laundry
In response to the needs of students and their families, SAS-IPVC provides housing services which includes food, offering more convenience to the students while lowering their food costs.
For more information about housing and how you can apply, refer to IPVC Social Action Services (SAS).
Given the extraordinary shortage in housing for higher education students due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, IPVC Social Action Services has signed protocols with several hotel units in Alto Minho. These partnerships allow for the housing of 164 students from IPVC schools with all the existing facilities in the housing units.
A Vianesa Guest House
R. Emídio Navarro 35 – Viana do Castelo
Capacity: 7 beds
Price per bed: € 220
Casa dos Rapazes
Viana do Castelo
Capacity: 10 beds
Price per bed: € 220
Hostel Santa Luzia
Jardim da Tílias, Monte de Santa Luzia – Viana do Castelo
Capacity: 17 beds
Price per bed: € 220
Pousada da Juventude de Viana do Castelo
Viana do Castelo
Capacity: 14 beds
Price per bed: € 160 or € 175
Pousada da Juventude de Ponte de Lima
R. Papa João Paulo II – Ponte de Lima
Capacity: 14 beds
Price per bed: € 160 or € 175
Pousada da Juventude de Vila Nova de Cerveira
Rua Alto das Veigas, EN13-Vila Nova de Cerveira
Capacity: 8 beds
Price per bed: € 160 or € 175
Hotel Val Flores
Avenida dos Bombeiros Voluntários – Valença
Capacity: 12 beds
Price per bed: € 220
Residential S. Gião
Av. de São Teotónio 17 Bl. 2 1ºandar – Valença
Capacity: 14 beds
Price per bed: € 220
Hotel Boavista I
Avenida do Peso, nº 1116 – Melgaço
Capacity: 50 beds
Price per bed: € 220
Pousada da Juventude de Melgaço
Capacity: 18 beds
Price per bed: € 160 or € 175
Total beds – 164 beds
Amenities provided:
The student must enter into a use contract with the housing unit registered with SAS-IPVC.
Access is by annual application. Displaced scholarship recipients have absolute preference. When students apply for housing, they are informed of the Internal Regulations of the Dormitories.
61 student rooms – 182 beds
6 guest rooms – 12 beds
Studies and living rooms
Central heating
6 Dinettes
General Laundry
Self-service laundry
Bar and Canteen
Largo 9 de Abril
4901-911 Viana do Castelo
Telf. 258825472
40 student rooms – 120 beds
Studies and living rooms
Central heating
2 Dinettes
Self-service laundry
Access is by annual application. Displaced scholarship recipients have absolute preference. When students apply for housing, they are informed of the Internal Regulations of the Dormitories.
Rua Ferreira de Castro | 4900-431 Viana do Castelo
Telf.: 258825472
Access is by annual application. Displaced scholarship recipients have absolute preference. When students apply for housing, they are informed of the Internal Regulations of the Dormitories.
69 student rooms – 139 beds
4 guest rooms – 5 beds
Studies and living rooms
Central heating
7 Dinettes
General Laundry
Self-service laundry
Bar and canteen
Lugar do Convento | Refoios
4990-690 Ponte de Lima
Phone: 258825472