The IPVC is an Institute of Public Higher Education, created by Decree-Law no. 303/80, of 16 August. It is a legal person governed by public law and has statutory, administrative, financial and property autonomy. Its statutes were approved by Legislative Order No. 7/2009, of 26 January, published in the II Series of the D.R., of 06/02/2009, and amended by Legislative Order No. 17/2021, of 28 June, published in the II Series of the D.R.
Internally, IPVC has a set of regulations that guide the many Organisational Units, Functional Units and Management Bodies it is made up of.
IPVC has six Organisational Units aimed at teaching projects – the Higher Education Schools – and three Functional Units – Welfare Services (SAS), Library, Project Management Unit (UGP). It is up to the IPVC Central Services to assure the institutional coordination of the staff, property, administrative, financial and global planning and technical support management activities.
The Organisational Units are:
School of Education (ESE)
Created by Decree-Law No. 513-T/79, 26/12
School of Agriculture (ESA)
Created by Government Decree No. 46/85, 22/11
School of Technology and Management (ESTG)
Created by Government Decree No. 46/85, 22/11
School of Business Sciences (ESCE)
Created by Decree-Law No. 264/99, 14/07
School of Health (ESS)
Converted into the School of Nursing by Ordinance No. 821/89, 15/9.
Renamed School of Health through the new IPVC statutes.
School of Sport and Leisure (ESDL)
Set up by the General Council of the Polytechnic University of Viana do Castelo on 3 May 2011 under the provisions of Article 59 of Law No. 62/2007, of 10 September (Legal Framework for Higher Education Institutions). Authorisation for operation granted on 11 May 2011 by Order of the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education.
The Higher Education Schools are governed by their own statutes, are legal persons under public law endowed with scientific and educational autonomy and have their own governing bodies: Management, Learning and Teaching Committee, Course Coordination / Course Committee.
IPVC has Welfare Services (SAS) that are a functional unit with administrative and financial autonomy. It began operating in April 1994, but students at the Polytechnic University of Viana do Castelo had been eligible for scholarships and social assistance since 1987.
According to the provisions of Decree-Law No. 129/93, of 22 April and the organisational regulation of the Welfare Services, the implementation of the IPVC Welfare Services policy is assured through the provision of services in the following areas:
Direct Support:
• Scholarships
• Emergency aid
Indirect Support:
• Access to food and accommodation
• Access to health services
• Support for cultural and sport activities
• Access to other educational support