Project | Summary |
2020-1-PT01-KA103-077716 | KA103 – Learning Mobility for Individuals |
2019-1-PT01-KA103-060109 | Through the Erasmus+ KA1 Program, Higher Education Institutions can provide their Students and Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff with a study or traineeship period or a teaching or training assignment at Higher Education Institutions or Foreign Businesses in countries eligible for the Program for a minimum duration of two months and a maximum of one year and thus enrich the educational range of their academic community by promoting inter-cultural interaction and learning via other techniques and skills in the intended areas of specialization. |
2018-1-PT01-KA103-046767 | |
2017-1-PT01-KA103-035270 | |
2020-1-PT01-KA103-077758 | |
2019-1-PT01-KA103-060334 | |
2018-1-PT01-KA103-046931 | |
2017-1-PT01-KA103-035354 |
ECHE-LP-2020 “ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 2021-2027” quality certificate Project: 101012752 — NEW_ERAS_IPVC
• Respect in full the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion set out in the Programme.
• Ensure equal and equitable access and opportunities to current and prospective participants from all backgrounds, paying particular attention to the inclusion of those with fewer opportunities.
• Ensure full automatic recognition of all credits (based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS) gained for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad, including during blended mobility.
• Charge no fees, in the case of credit mobility, to incoming mobile students for tuition, registration, examinations or access to laboratory and library facilities.
• Ensure the quality of the mobility activities and of the cooperation projects throughout the application and implementation phases.
• Implement the priorities of the Programme
European Solidarity Corps – Quality Label for Volunteering Ref. Nº. 2020-1-PT02-ESC52-007241
A Quality Label is an organisation’s entry ticket to the European Solidarity Corps. It is a prerequisite for organisations to participate in the Corps’ activities lead to a European Solidarity Corps project grant. The European Solidarity Corps brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.
Operational Programme Science and Education for Smart Growth – Parceria com Bulgária – Technical University of Varna
The Bulgarian Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” (SESG) has two overall goals: strengthening research and innovation and enhancing education and social inclusion at all educational levels.
Rural 3.0 aims to bring higher education institutions and rural partners together to work toward a common goal – develop the necessary knowledge and skills to make changes in rural communities.
INCOME Tourism aims to develop a new learning approach, based on a cooperative learning process that joins Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and tourism businesses focused on soft skills learning, that will be incorporated into the last year of the Tourism program.
This project aims to develop educational modules that can be integrated into different programs, namely in Tourism, Leisure, and Culture, areas wherein (potential) young travelers are more inclined to learn about local cultures. Secondly, an educational toolkit for teaching staff will be developed, and training will be provided. CULTSENSE will ultimately contribute to better relationships between residents and travelers, even in overcrowded places.
The main aim of the project is to develop Bachelor’s degree program in the field of Mechatronics; to improve the mechatronic’s specialists knowledge in Automation sphere, to support the capacity building of higher education institutions and to make contribution for the sustanaibility of Mechatronics. Likewise, the project aims to maintain further cooperation between HEIs of PrCs and Uzbekistan in order to ensure quality of higher education continuously. This project provides great opportunity to involved HEIs to teach their students and train their faculty/staff internationally. Most importantly, an exemplary continuous education program in Mechatronics will be developed in Uzbekistan upon successful completion of the project.
This project sets out to establish a network of practices in higher education institutions and of policy makers to strengthen the organizational capacity of higher education institutions and boost their entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Due to new forms of economic organization associated with the Social Solidarity and Sharing Economies, the project aims to support the curricular adaptation of Central American Universities so as to improve their human resources capacities and prepare them for the challenges of these new economic models.
This project sets out to reinforce and consolidate the factual basis for two physical activity programs for elderly individuals by incorporating three new areas: study the impact; adapt sports to create new ones and traditional games for sporting competitions/events; and gather new findings about people’s attitudes and habits towards health, particularly those related to physical activity and unhealthy diets.
ARDENT project is targeted to Adult learners in the rural communities (aged 25 and over) of various professional backgrounds possessing some formal education but currently unemployed*. It aims at improving the transfer of competences from HEIs in the sense of lifelong further learning to the Adult communities in Rural areas, to seed in them the basis to become job creators and not job seekers. Through a Community-Based Learning approach to entrepreneurial skills development among adult learners, ARDENT seek to integrate them into a process where they need to generate creative solutions to real-life challenges of rural communities. In this way, the university is able to engage with the society and achieve synergies through lifelong learning in the form of entrepreneurship to promote rural development.