Re-enrollment is intended for students who were enrolled in the previous school year in the same program.
The enrollment period is provided in the academic calendar of each academic year.
To re-enroll, all payments from the previous school year need to be settled. If this condition is not met, the student must seek the school’s one-stop source, either in person or by email, to analyze the current situation and possibly submit a request for a phased payment plan for the amount owed from the previous year.
Re-enrollment is only validated after payment of the 1st tuition installment, enrollment fee, and Insurance.
Students re-enroll online through the IPVC Academic Web Site. The area reserved for students is accessed with the respective log-in data (log-in name and password).
In case of technical difficulties, send an e-mail to (IPVC Information Technology Center). The e-mail must include the following information: student identification number, program, full name, and BI/CC and NIF identification numbers.
For questions related to academic matters, the academic services of the respective school should be contacted.
Before beginning the online re-enrollment process, it is important to read the “Procedure Manual for online enrollment/registration” carefully.
Proof of vaccination against tetanus and other diseases is not required as the student is responsible for complying with the immunization schedule under the National Immunization Program throughout their life.
Students with Student Employee status must make a formal request annually under the terms provided. The formal request will only be valid when the student fills out the respective form and provides it along with all the necessary documents for assessment. The student should seek information about the Student Employee special status.
If the student has submitted a scholarship application and wishes to be exempt from paying tuition until they receive the respective response, they must provide evidence that they have applied by providing the online form in the scholarship system.
After the student has received the response to the scholarship application, they have only 10 days to regularize their situation and pay all fees until the communication date. The direct debit system will only be active if the student communicates this intention by the last business day of each month.
Students may select payment method upon re-enrollment. Ten installments are generated by default, but there are other options:
Tuition is paid according to the terms set forth in the order by the IPVC President, which is published annually, and it can be paid through Multibanco (MB) as payment for services or by MB WAY or Credit Card. MB reference numbers expire 48 hours after they have been sent to the e-mail.
Direct debit
To activate direct debit for tuition payment, the IBAN (full bank identification number) + BIC SWIFT of the bank account and the respective proof of the account, which can be consulted at an ATM, are necessary. The direct debit authorization form must also be completed and uploaded during the re-enrollment process.
This procedure is mandatory even if the student had chosen the direct debit option in the previous year. They should note in the form whether the bank identification number is still the same or has been modified.
For all those who choose the direct debit system, debits will only begin as of the 2nd tuition installment.
Yes. Each academic year, the student must re-enroll within the deadlines set forth and scheduled in the academic calendar if they intend to continue their studies.
As a rule, annual re-enrollment is online, and the student is required to re-enroll within the period defined in the academic calendar.
The registration and enrollment process for IPVC programs requires access to, which provides information on how to complete the process.
Yes. From the moment the re-enrollment process begins, when the 1st payment (1st tuition installment, student insurance, and enrollment fee) is paid, the annual tuition amount is due in full.
There are several payment methods: one single installment (the entire annual amount) or ten installments, as scheduled in the calendar provided in the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription.
The student has to observe the enrollment rules, the rules of precedence, and the specific rules of precedence defined by the programs.
If you have any questions, feel free to refer to your school’s academic services.
Students who have applied for a program transfer and had valid enrollment and registration in a higher education institution in the preceding academic year and whose application has been denied may, within seven days of the publication of the decision, proceed to enroll in the program in which they had been enrolled in the previous academic year, as provided in article 11 of the regulation published by Ordinance No. 401/2007 of April 5.
The request to cancel registration/enrollment must be formalized in writing in the form provided by the respective school’s Academic Services. This is the only way the student may be released from the installments following their withdrawal, pursuant to the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription.
Until December 31 of each year, the student may cancel their enrollment in all the curricular units they are attending for the academic year without prejudice to past due tuition payments.
Before proceeding with this request, we advise students to communicate this to the program’s teaching staff, the program coordinators, or other IPVC services.
Prescription of the right to enrollment means that the student is barred from enrolling in any higher education programs during the prescription period.
The table in the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription establishes the maximum number of enrollments for a student in the 1st cycle and 2nd cycle (separate tables for each cycle), respectively. The right to registration and enrollment is prescribed in the case of non-compliance with the applicable criteria in the table.
Consult the regulation here.
The prescription of the right to enrollment bars the student from re-applying to this or another program in the academic year following the year relative to the prescription, as provided by the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription.
Students with Student Employee Status are subject to the prescription regime under special conditions, as provided in the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription.
Consult the regulation here.
For the purposes of applying the table of prescriptions to students in a part-time study regime, each enrollment counts as 0.5, provided that they have made a request to the School to establish a study plan that provides for the annual enrollment in fewer than 30 ECTS credits, as set forth in the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription.
Consult the regulation here.
If the student does not pass for reasons due to proven illness or others reasons that cannot be attributed to the student, registration in this particular academic year counts as 0.5 for each enrollment, as set forth in the IPVC General Regulation for Tuition and Prescription.
Consult the regulation here.
Immediately after the accident, the student (or their emergency contact if the student is unable to do so) must immediately inform the IPVC Social Action Services (SAS) of the accident by filling out the “participation in the claim” form and issuing it to the respective services.
You must not omit or distort any fact in the context of the accident, and you must follow the procedures defined by the IPVC-SAS.
All the risks resulting from the academic activity described in the information leaflet made available to the student on the website are covered under the general and special conditions of the Student Insurance policy in effect:
Academic activity considers the insured party’s activity in the following scenarios: