Início / Study / Licentiate Degree / Engenharia Informática
The Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering is designed in accordance with the changes to the Basic Law of the Education System arising from the application of the Bologna Process in the Portuguese Higher Education System and from the adaptation of the pre-existing Honours Degree in Information Systems Engineering at the IPVC School of Technology and Management since 2002/03.
Course comisssion
Entrance Exams:
[16] Mathematics
Preferred Regions
50% for candidates living in the districts of Braga, Porto and Viana do Castelo
Preferred Qualifications
Given the wide range of possible areas, please see the Guide to Accessing Higher Education, published by the Ministry of Education.
60 (subject to change)
Special Admissions
– Portuguese Diplomatic Mission Abroad
– Portuguese Grant Holders Abroad or Civil Servants on an Official Mission Abroad
– Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces
– PALOP grant holders
– Accredited Foreign Diplomatic Mission in Portugal
– High Performance Sports Practitioners
– East-Timor Citizens
Special Entry Routes
Re-entry, Change of Combination/Institution/Course
In accordance with the Decree-Law on Academic Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education, the aims of each training cycle have been defined to take into account the skills to be acquired, adopting the results of the collective work carried out at European level and embodied in the Dublin descriptors.
The Bachelor’s degree will be awarded to students who demonstrate that they have acquired the cognitive, practical and relational skills that enable them to work as a Computer Engineer. These are divided into the Design, Maintenance and Administration of Computer Systems and Consultancy.
Graduate profile
In accordance with the skills acquired, the future professional will be able to perform the following Computer Engineering tasks:
Specify, size, install and configure computer system infrastructures, including communication networks, computers, peripheral equipment and core software.
Design, develop and install application software, including the integration of subsystems, the implementation of interconnection software between subsystems and the development of root applications.
Maintenance and Administration of Computer Systems.
Functional monitoring of systems, ongoing maintenance, information security and optimisation of existing systems.
Advise clients on defining requirements for IT solutions, drawing up specifications for the production of IT solutions and studying and choosing existing technologies versus specified requirements.
Professional outcomes
Software Engineer
Computer Systems Analyst
Computer Systems Programmer
Systems and Database Administrator
Network Administrator
Computer Applications Support Technician
IT Project Manager
IT Consultant
This Bachelor’s Degree is recognised by ANET – Portuguese Association of Technical Engineers and by FEANI – European Federation of National Engineering Associations.
Study Plan
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Calculus | MAT | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:24.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry | MAT | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:16.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Algorithms and Data Structures | EIM | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:40.00 | 7.00 | Consult |
Computer Systems and Architecture | ET | S1 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Discrete Mathematics I | MAT | S1 | TP:40.00 | P:16.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Discrete Mathematics II | MAT | S2 | TP:48.00 | P:16.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Programming I | EIM | S2 | TP:32.00 | PL:40.00 | 7.00 | Consult |
Operating Systems | EIM | S2 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Statistics | MAT | S2 | TP:40.00 | P:16.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Princípios de Gestão Empresarial (modular) | OLM | S2 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Technical English (modular) | ADH | S2 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Operations Research | MAT | S1 | TP:24.00 | P:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Software Engineering I | EIM | S1 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Programming II | EIM | S1 | TP:24.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Databases | EIM | S1 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Computer Networks | ET | S1 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Project I | EIM | S1 | PL:64.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Database Administration | EIM | S2 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Multimedia Technologies | EIM | S2 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Human-Computer Interaction | EIM | S2 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Artificial Inteligence | EIM | S2 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Software Engineering II | EIM | S2 | TP:24.00 | PL:24.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Project II | EIM | S2 | PL:64.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Network Information Systems | EIM | S1 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Systems Integration | EIM | S1 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Enterprise Integration - Option I (optional) | EIM | S1 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Project III | EIM | S1 | TP:16.00 | PL:64.00 | 10.00 | Consult |
Gestão de Projectos (modular) | EIM | S1 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Mobile Computing | EIM | S2 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Systems and Networks Security | ET | S2 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Organizational Learning - Option II (optional) | EIM | S2 | TP:32.00 | PL:32.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Project IV | EIM | S2 | PL:80.00 | 10.00 | Consult |
Etica e Deontologia Profissional (modular) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
More information at:
Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.
“A Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática foi essencial para o meu crescimento pessoal e profissional. Os docentes forneceram todo o apoio necessário para a aprendizagem de conceitos fundamentais e para o desenvolvimento de projetos práticos em parceria com empresas. O desenvolvimento de projetos web e mobile durante a licenciatura foram importantes para a integração no mercado de trabalho. Após a conclusão do curso, recebi várias propostas profissionais. Sendo colaborador da Xpand IT há 5 anos, considero que a Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática no Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo foi fundamental para o meu sucesso.“
Acreditação e registo
Com Acreditação em 2020, por 6 anos | Limite de vagas fixado: 100
Registo inicial: R/A-Ef 692/2011 de 18-03-2011
Mais informação em Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior-A3ES:
Informação Geral
180 ECTS | 6 Semestres | CNAEF 523 Eletrónica e automação | Código: 9119
Grau atribuído: Licenciado