Início / Educação Social Gerontológica
The Bachelor’s Degree Course in Education and Social Gerontology was established by Ordinance 1382/2007 and began in the 2006/2007 academic year.
According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), between 1991 and 2001, the number of residents aged 65 or older increased by around 26.1%, while in the younger age groups (0-14 and 15-24), there was a decrease of 16.0% and 8.1%, respectively. Also, according to the same source, the Ageing Index is 108.7% and the Old-Age Dependency Ratio is 25.2%.
Considering data from international sources, the age structure of the Portuguese population will continue to change in the coming years. It is expected that the elderly population will outnumber the younger population between 2010 and 2015. These indicators clearly show the ageing trend of the Portuguese population, similar to the demographic changes occurring in the European Union and the USA.
The same sources predict that the elderly population in Portugal (those aged 65 or older) will exceed three million by 2050. This means that by then, 37% of the population will be 60 or older and 26% will be over 80 years old.
In this context, there is an urgent need to train technical professionals who can plan, implement and evaluate programmes and activities for age groups at social and educational risk, especially the older segments of the population Therefore, the rationale for this course hinges on two main reasons:
Course comisssion
Entrance Exams:
One of the following
[09] Geography
[11] History
[18] Portuguese
Special Admissions
– Portuguese Diplomatic Mission Abroad
– Portuguese Grant Holders Abroad or Civil Servants on an Official Mission Abroad
– Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces
– PALOP grant holders
– Accredited Foreign Diplomatic Mission in Portugal
– High Performance Sports Practitioners
– East-Timor Citizens
Special Entry Routes
Re-entry, Change of Combination/Institution/Course
Graduate profile
As far as the professional profile is concerned, graduates in Education and Social Gerontology will have the skills to undertake a wide range of activities:
Professional outcomes
Graduates in Education and Social Gerontology will work (on a self-employed basis or as employees) with:
Study Plan
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
I Biology of Aging | CB | S1 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Communication and Information Technology | EIM | S1 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Research Methods and Techniques I | CPS | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Learning and Adult Education I | CPS | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Option I (Arts and Humanities) (optional) | ADH | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Psychology of Adult Development and Aging I | CPS | S1 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Sociology of Aging I | CPS | S1 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Communication and Multimedia Production | EFP | S2 | TP:30.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Internship I | CPS | S2 | PL:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Research Methods and Techniques II | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
II Biology of Aging | CB | S2 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Optimising Human Development (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Psychology of Adult Development and Aging II | CPS | S2 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Sociology of Aging II | CPS | S2 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Socio-Cultural Animation (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Physical Activity and Aging | CDTL | S1 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Internship II | CPS | S1 | PL:48.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Law, Justice and Aging | CPS | S1 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Economic Issues of Aging | EFC | S1 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Community Psychology | CPS | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Geropsicology I | CPS | S1 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Psychology and Interpersonal Relationship | CPS | S1 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Arts and Aging (optional) | ADH | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Administration and Management Assistance Centres for Seniors | CPS | S2 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Internship III | CPS | S2 | PL:48.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Nutrition in the Elderly | ENF | S2 | TP:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Problematic Behavior neurocognitive | CPS | S2 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Successful Aging (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Geropsicology II | CPS | S2 | T:16.00 | TP:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Educational Gerontology | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Psycho- Educational Programs in Gerontology (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Intervention Seminar I | CPS | S1 | S:48.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Research Seminar I | CPS | S1 | S:48.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Internship I | CPS | S1 | E:169.00 | 14.00 | Consult |
Evaluation Models in Social Gerontology (optional) | CPS | S1 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Intervention Seminar II | CPS | S2 | S:48.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Research Seminar Ii | CPS | S2 | S:48.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Internship II | CPS | S2 | E:169.00 | 14.00 | Consult |
Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Topics in Social Gerontology (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Intervention Methods in Social Gerontology (optional) | CPS | S2 | TP:32.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
More information from infocursos:
Partnerships and internships
– Collaborative Workgroup of Educators in Gerontology (Windesheim University
University of Vechta
Seinäjoki university of Applied Sciences
Antalya Akdeniz University
Vrije Universiteit
Brussel Mälardalen University
Odisee University College
Fontys University of Applied Science
– Catholic University of Valencia (Spain)
– University of Valencia (Spain)
– University of S. Paulo (Brazil)
– University of Coruña (Spain)
– University of Vechta (Germany)
University College Copenhagen (Denmark)
– Network of Schools with Training in Gerontology (Coimbra School of Education, Bragança School of Health, Porto Higher Institute of Social Work)
– Portuguese Association of Gerontologists
Local authorities in the northern region (districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga and Porto); Intermunicipal communities (Alto Minho and Cávado); Social Security Institute and Viana do Castelo District Social Security Centre; social solidarity organisations (IPSS); Private sector (companies/services)
Other information
Course Prizes
– 2020, “Janelas Convida” project – Santander University Award Uni-COVID19
– 2013, Alto Minho Blog Challenge 2020
– Academic Merit Award “Prémio Bella Vida”
Transformation Schools: Contributions to social change through Education for Development and Global Citizenship at School.
– Fostering and assessing students’ creative and critical thinking skills in higher education
– Rural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development
– Jardim PAM
Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.
“Foi em setembro de 2009 que ingressei na licenciatura em Educação Social Gerontológica da Escola Superior de Educação do IPVC. Fui acolhida num ambiente de proximidade e familiaridade, o que tornou todo o percurso académico muito mais fácil! Brindada com desafios e acompanhada de professores empenhados em me fazer aprender e crescer, valorizando pontos fortes e aspetos a melhorar, transformei-me numa profissional desta área tão recente. Hoje, sou Gerontóloga Social e desenvolvo funções na instituição onde fiz o meu estágio curricular.”
Accreditation and Registration
Preliminary accreditation in 2011 | Vacancy Limit: 27
Initial Registration: R/A-Ef 672/2011 of 18/03/2011
More information from the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education-A3ES:
General Information
180 ECTS | 6 Semesters | CNAEF 762 Social Work and Counselling | Code: 9473
Qualification: Bachelor