Início / Study / Licentiate Degree / Engenharia Civil e do Ambiente
The Bachelor’s Degree Course in Civil Environmental Engineering at the School of Technology and Management presented its plan to adapt to the Bologna Process. This not only fit in with the new learning paradigm but was also an opportunity to respond to the new challenges arising from the strong pressure that civil engineering in general has been under as a result of the profound changes that the world has undergone in recent years, mainly due to globalisation, competitiveness and the complex environmental issues that it has to master.
Today, civil engineers face new challenges, as they have to deal with a very diverse set of actors and complex environmental issues, which require more and more academic and professional training of engineers.
These profound changes demand new skills from civil engineers, particularly cross-disciplinary skills that may introduce critical issues not previously regarded as engineering. These include ethics, quality, environmental management, accounting and taxation, oral and written proficiency, customer relations, contact with the mass media and social pressure, especially those relating to the environment.
Indeed, Civil Engineering work, in whatever form, continues to transform the environment. It shapes spaces and alters the landscape, causing both positive and negative environmental impacts.
Civil and environmental engineering has a central role to play in correcting the dysfunctions caused to the environment by human activity.
This is why the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Environmental Engineering combines solid knowledge of environmental technologies with traditional civil engineering, as practised in the most reputable universities in Europe and the United States, where most civil engineering courses have been renamed Civil Environmental Engineering (Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, Stanford, MIT).
This Bachelor’s Degree is recognised by the OET – Order of Technical Engineers, the FEANI – European Federation of National Engineering Associations and the OE – Order of Engineers.
Course comisssion
Entrance Exams:
[07] Physics and Chemistry and
[16] Mathematics
Preferred Regions
50% for candidates living in the districts of Braga, Porto and Viana do Castelo
Preferred Qualifications
Given the wide range of possible areas, please see the Guide to Accessing Higher Education, published by the Ministry of Education
35 (subject to change)
Special Admissions
– Portuguese Diplomatic Mission Abroad
– Portuguese Grant Holders Abroad or Civil Servants on an Official Mission Abroad
– Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces
– PALOP grant holders
– Accredited Foreign Diplomatic Mission in Portugal
– High Performance Sports Practitioners
– East-Timor Citizens
Special Entry Routes
Re-entry, Change of Combination/Institution/Course
Graduate profile
The aim of the Civil and Environmental Engineering programme is to train senior, multi-skilled engineers with the ability to design, execute and manage a wide range of projects in Civil Engineering and Environmental Technologies.
Professional outcomes
The diversity of activities in this professional sector enables graduates to carry out a wide range of tasks, in particular designing engineering solutions, undertaking projects in various specialist areas and preparing plans for the implementation of engineering works.
On construction sites, they take responsibility for executing, scheduling and coordinating the work. In both cases, graduates have the skills to coordinate multidisciplinary work teams in the area of civil and environmental engineering.
Within central and local government bodies, they may organise and carry out design tasks, supervise construction work or evaluate and review projects, for example.
The type of training given to graduates enables them to fulfil management functions, according to the type of activity undertaken by the institutions they are part of, or even to set up their own company.
Lastly, their training also provides them with the opportunity to work in a market sector that, along with the environment, is promising and rapidly evolving, namely the maintenance, rehabilitation and management of the building stock.
This Bachelor’s Degree is recognised by ANET – Portuguese Association of Technical Engineers and by FEANI – European Federation of National Engineering Associations.
Study Plan
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Project Management | EIM | S1 | T:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Computer Aided Design | EC | S1 | PL:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Mathematical Analysis I | MAT | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:24.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry | MAT | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:16.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Technical drawing | EC | S1 | TP:27.00 | 2.50 | Consult |
Chemestry | FEQ | S1 | TP:20.00 | PL:28.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Physics | FEQ | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:24.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Mathematical Analysis II | MAT | S2 | TP:40.00 | PL:24.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Strength of Materials I | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:27.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Mechanics | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:27.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Construction processes I | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Building installations | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
General hydraulics I | EC | S2 | TP:19.00 | PL:34.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Numerical methods and Statistics | MAT | S1 | TP:40.00 | PL:16.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Theory of Structures | EC | S1 | TP:32.00 | PL:36.00 | 6.50 | Consult |
Strength of Materials II | EC | S1 | TP:21.00 | PL:28.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Construction Processes II | EC | S1 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Building Physics | EC | S1 | TP:30.00 | PL:34.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Hydrology | EC | S1 | T:8.00 | PL:24.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Construction materials | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Soil Mechanics | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Topography | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | TC:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Pathologies and Building Rehabilitation | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
General Hydraulics II | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:42.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Environmental Impact Assessment | EC | S2 | TP:19.00 | PL:24.00 | 4.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Concrete Structures I | EC | S1 | TP:21.00 | PL:27.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Foundations | EC | S1 | TP:21.00 | PL:27.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Roads and Urban Infrastructures | EC | S1 | TP:21.00 | PL:42.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Urban and Environmental Hydraulics | EC | S1 | T:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Waste Water Treatment | EC | S1 | T:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Construction Planning and Management | EC | S1 | TP:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Ethics and Professional deontology | CPS | S2 | T:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Company and financial information | EFC | S2 | T:32.00 | 3.00 | Consult |
Structures reinforcement | EC | S2 | T:1.00 | TP:11.00 | PL:16.00 | 2.50 | Consult |
Concrete Structures II | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:27.00 | 4.50 | Consult |
Waste management and construction sustainability | EC | S2 | T:21.00 | PL:32.00 | 5.00 | Consult |
Construction Management, safety and quality | EC | S2 | TP:21.00 | PL:43.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Integrated project of buildings | EC | S2 | PL:64.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
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“A passagem pelo IPVC marcou a minha vida escolar e profissional. A vida escolar transformou-se na medida em que o ensino superior não era o que se esperava, neste curso não encontrei professores a debitar matéria, mas sim amigos que levo para a vida, empenhados em nos transmitir os seus conhecimentos. A nível profissional, o curso de Engenharia Civil e do Ambiente é uma formação com provas dadas e que vai ao encontro das necessidades do mercado devido à proximidade e entreajuda entre empresas e Instituição, criando estágios junto dessas mesmas empresas e abrindo portas aos seus alunos para um ingresso na sua vida profissional.“
Accreditation and Registration
Accreditation in 2019, for six years | Vacancy Limit: 35
Initial Registration: R/A-Ef 3335/2011 of 18/03/2011
Amendment Registration:
R/A-Ef 3335/2011/AL01 of 09/09/2014 | R/A-Ef 3335/2011/AL02 of 07/06/2018
More information from the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education-A3ES:
General Information
180 ECTS | 6 Semesters | CNAEF 582 Civil construction and civil engineering | Code: 9743
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree