Food Engineering is a field of significant global importance and has developed quite rapidly in various directions, particularly in the areas of quality control (chemical, microbiological, physical and sensory), control of manufacturing processes (production lines, formulations and optimisation, auxiliary equipment and design), quality management (certification of management, health and safety and environmental systems, accreditation of laboratories) and the development of new food products.
This degree is spread across three Higher Education Institutions (HEI): ESTG (IPViana do Castelo), ESTM (IPLeiria) and ESA (IPBragança).
In the first and second semesters, the course runs simultaneously at all three institutions. In the third, fourth and fifth semesters all of the students will attend the ESTG (IPVC), ESTM (IPLeiria) and ESA (IPB) respectively. In the sixth semester the students return to their home institution. In this semester, in addition to interacting with the local business community in the development of a product or a process, students work on an engineering project that should enable them to incorporate all their expertise in Food Engineering.
The curriculum structure is based on the Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology, which involves active participation in learning. In the first and second semesters, the aim is to provide students with basic scientific and technical preparation, with basic sciences applied to engineering being taught in the first semester and laboratory training in food analysis in the second semester. In the third, fourth and fifth semesters, teaching input is based on processing technologies and food quality analysis specific to each of the HEI. The sixth semester, which is taught at the three institutions simultaneously, will enable students to develop projects, products or services with an impact on each of the HEI regions, potentially in partnership with companies in the sector.
The aim of this curricular structure is to organise the students’ activities in stages, from basic technical preparation to technical specialisation and ending with the ability to design.
Course comisssion
Entrance Exams:
One of the following combinations:
[07] Physics and Chemistry and
[16] Mathematics
[02] Biology and Geology
[16] Mathematics
Preferred Regions
Information available soon
Preferred Qualifications
Given the wide range of possible areas, please see the Guide to Accessing Higher Education, published by the Ministry of Education.
Special Admissions
– Portuguese Diplomatic Mission Abroad
– Portuguese Grant Holders Abroad or Civil Servants on an Official Mission Abroad
– Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces
– PALOP grant holders
– Accredited Foreign Diplomatic Mission in Portugal
– High Performance Sports Practitioners
– East-Timor Citizens
Special Entry Routes
Re-entry, Change of Combination/Institution/Course
The Bachelor’s Degree in Food Engineering aims to equip professionals, within a multidisciplinary framework, with the skills (basic, engineering sciences and applied or specialty sciences) that will enable them to actively participate in the development, implementation, improvement and management of transformation processes, conservation, quality control, the distribution of food products and the implementation of food safety management systems. Another goal of the study cycle is to produce professionals capable of pursuing food product development projects using an integrated and multidisciplinary approach.
This course will enable graduates to join the labour market directly and to work in a wide range of jobs linked to the food sector or continue their studies in the second cycle.
Professional outcomes
Production, control and quality assurance in food industries, consulting companies working in quality, hygiene and food safety, water and food analysis laboratories, companies marketing and distributing food and similar products, design studios and vocational training centres.
Study Plan
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Mathematics | MAT | S1 | T:30.00 | TP:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Physics | FEQ | S1 | T:22.50 | TP:30.00 | PL:7.50 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Chemistry | FEQ | S1 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Biology and Biochemistry | CB | S1 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Introduction to Industrial Processes | EA | S1 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Food Chemistry Laboratories | FEQ | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Food Microbiology Laboratories | CB | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Sensory Analysis and Rheology Laboratories | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Unit Operations | EA | S2 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Algebra and Statistics | MAT | S2 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Dairy Technologies | EA | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Dairy Quality Analysis and Control | CB | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverages Technologies | EA | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Analysis and Quality Control of Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverages | FEQ | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Project in Food Engineering | EA | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Marine Food Resources Technology | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Analysis and Quality Control of Marine Food Resources | CB | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Cereals and Horticultural Technology | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Analysis and Quality Control of Cereals and Horticultural Products | FEQ | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Food Hygiene and Safety | EA | S2 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Curricular Unit | Area | Type | Contact hours | ECTS | PUC |
Meat Technology | EA | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Analyis and Quality Control of Meat | CB | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Technology of Olive Oil, Olive and Oils Plants | EA | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Analysis and Quality Control of Olive Oil, Olive and Oils Plants | FEQ | S1 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Entrepreneurship | OLM | S1 | TP:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Treatment of Effluents and Waste | EA | S2 | T:30.00 | PL:30.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Food Safety Management Systems | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Emerging Coatings and Technologies | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Industry and Food Innovation | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
Project in Food Engineering (optional) | EA | S2 | TP:15.00 | PL:45.00 | OT:4.00 | 6.00 | Consult |
You’ll find more information at infocursos:
Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.
“Sem dúvida, os melhores anos da minha vida foram passados em Viana durante o período da minha formação. Sinto que cresci, que aprendi muito, quer a nível pessoal quer a nível profissional.
As horas que passei nos laboratórios de Eng. Alimentar foram determinantes para a minha profissão. O curso foi crucial, pois grande parte do que desenvolvo profissionalmente tem o contributo dos conhecimentos do que apreendi, bem como toda a capacidade de resolução de problemas que advém das experiências que vivenciei na licenciatura. O trabalho em equipa e a capacidade de liderança são características que são desenvolvidas na licenciatura e que têm também um papel fundamental na minha atividade laboral.“
Acreditação e registo
Com Acreditação prévia em 2017, por 6 anos | Limite de admissões fixado: 100
Registo inicial: R/A-Cr 19/2017 de 24-05-2017
Mais informação em Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior-A3ES:
Informação Geral
180 ECTS | 6 Semestres | CNAEF 541 Indústrias alimentares | Código: 9087
Ministrado em associação com: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança – Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança | Instituto Politécnico de Leiria – Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar
Grau atribuído: Licenciado