(Português) RuralSports
The “Rural Sports: Healthy and Active Rural Areas” project, approved by the European Commission in October 2022, establishes a framework for an integrated and small-scale transnational partnership, which includes two established rural organizations in the field of sports at the local level, along with a Higher Education institution.
To contribute to the promotion and participation in sports and physical activity in rural areas, supporting the inclusion of individuals with fewer opportunities, with special emphasis on groups facing greater difficulties, such as people with disabilities, youth and women (especially those at risk of social exclusion), immigrants, and older adults.
The project will develop working groups in each country, focusing on the participation of at least 3 out of the 5 priority groups, which will serve both to gather good practices and to promote activities and visibility of the groups in each country. An e-book will be created, gathering experiences from the three countries, with the aim of being a multiplier and inspiring tool for actions. Throughout the two years, there will be exchanges of experiences and meetings that will promote increased physical activity and sports engagement among the priority groups. A network of entities interested in promoting sports and active participation in rural areas will be created, with the aim of generating new synergies and future proposals at the European level.
ADENI (Sierra Norte de Madrid), a promoter of sports and physical activity in this region of Madrid, serving as the project coordinator, which includes 23 small municipalities. It receives organizational support from the Directorate General of Sports of the Community of Madrid.
The Melgaço School of Sports and Leisure from Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, a Higher Education institution that focuses on research and promotion of sports and physical activity, with strong connections to rural communities in northern Portugal, where it is located.
The Calcis Mountaineering Club, located on the Greek island of Euboea, which carries out local sports, training, and Ambiental awareness activities in the local level.
Funded by the European Union. However, the opinions expressed are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, nor can the granting authority be held responsible for them.