(Português) Os SAS-IPVC
The Welfare Services of the Polytechnic University of Viana do Castelo (SAS-IPVC) were created by Decree-Law No. 129/93, of 22 April, which establishes the principles of social action policy in higher education.
The mission of the SAS-IPVC is to ensure equity not only in access to higher education and lifelong learning, but also in the provision of social services that contribute to improving students’ academic success.
The SAS-IPVC is nationally acknowledged for its innovative services, working closely with students and student associations to ensure the provision of high-quality services that make a difference to students, particularly those who are most in need.
The Welfare Services are located in Viana do Castelo city centre. This facility houses the administrative and financial services, a cultural workshop, a fitness centre, a health and well-being office, as well as one of the four student residences provided by the SAS-IPVC. Nearby, there’s a shopping centre, cafés, restaurants, a post office, a swimming pool and a municipal sports pavilion, a train station, a bus transport hub and other social amenities. Given the size and layout of the city, all distances can be easily covered on foot.
4900 – 339 Viana do Castelo
Tel. +351 258 825 472 | +351 937 300 040
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 41°41’36.6″N
Longitude: 08°49’57.18″W
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
Welfare Services – Polytechnic University of Viana do Castelo
Largo 9 de Abril, 177 | 4900-339 Viana do Castelo
Tel. +351 258 825 472 | Tel. +351 937 300 040
Email: sas@sas.ipvc.pt | Portal: http://www.sas.ipvc.pt